Online CT Full Course Registration
It includes: - Synchronous Virtual Online didactic classes. Students have access to live classes held on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm EST. These classes are recorded and available to students for later access.
- All didactic classes are individually pre-recorded (Video, PowerPoint Presentation with Voice Recorded from the Instructors)
- Total of 3 weeks of Clinical Practice (mandatory 14 days). Clinical Practice scheduled at students' convenience (Selection of three full weeks of Hands-on Practice)
- Documentation of Clinical Competencies.
- Complementary Weekly Online Chats & recordings of classes.
- Supplemental educational materials (handouts, CD’s, presentations, CT Physics programs)
A Physics and an Anatomy Book are required for the entire course and are the responsibility of the student. Students are to purchase these books before the start of the program from:, University of Miami Book Store, etc.
Physics Book required is:
1) Computed Tomography for Technologists A Comprehensive Text
Lois E. Romans
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN 978-0-7817-7751-3
Anatomy Book required is:
1) Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professional (Latest Edition)
Lorrie L. Kelley, Connie M. Petersen
Mosby Elsevier
ISBN 978-0-323-02003-9
Professional Liability/Malpractice Insurance for Clinical Practice (This must be through MRI Education Group) to attend Clinical Practice is included.
Course Dates: January 4th, 2025, to April 5th, 2025
Full Description:
Students login remotely to LIVE classes held on Saturdays from 9 am to 4pm EST. Students are able to interact either by text chat, or live speaking with instructors or others students. PowerPoint presentations are readily seen by this virtual system.
A full Integrated e-learning system is included for the students to have access around the clock to educational materials.
Students have full access to pre-recorded lectures systematically organized, following every step of MRI from Physics to Sectional Anatomy & Pathology. These recordings include PowerPoint Presentations with narrated explanations.
Weekly Webinars/live interactions with Faculty give students ample opportunity to review learned materials.
- Online Quizzes and tests & Grading book
Web accessed quizzes, and testing of learnt material is available to students in order to measure their learning progress.
There is no substitute for Hands-On practice in CT. Students will have direct supervision and guaranteed hands-on learning, utilizing State of the Art Siemens 128-Channel Spiral scanners. Daily patient load is from 30-50 patients.
Program Outline & Content Specifications:
Introduction to CT: Introduction to the basic concepts of CT physics and fundamentals, as well as application of these principles in the clinical setting will be discussed. A brief history will be included in this course.
Course Outline: History of Radiation Leading to CT, CT Scanner Designs, Benefits of CT, Overview of CT (X-Ray production, Attenuation of X-Rays, Detectors, Image Reconstruction, Image Display and Archiving. Course will be held on Saturdays 9am to 4pm, Duration: 1 week. HRS/ARRT E.C.E 6 credits.
CT Hardware & System Operation: The goal on this course is to introduce the student to the major CT hardware components and their role in generating computer tomography images. An understanding of the function of the hardware components is important in order to comprehend the formation of CT images.
Course Outline: The Operator's Console, The Host Computer, The Scan Computer, The Scan Controller, The Digital-to-Analog Convertor, Gantry and Table Controllers, The High Voltage Generator, The CT X-ray tube, Collimators, Detectors, The Amplifier and the ADC, The Array processor, PACS.Course will be held on Saturdays 9am to 4pm, Duration: 1 week. HRS/AHRA/ARRT 6 CE category A credits
CT Image Formation: This course will be a presentation of how CT images are formed. First, we will examine the scanning methods that allow us to learn about the tissues inside the patient's body. We will learn how the anatomical detail is measured and how that information is turned into an image. We will then study digital cross-sectional images in more detail and we will show how multiple shades of gray are used to represent the tissues depicted in the images. We will also discuss post-processing techniques such as MPR (Multi-planar Reconstruction), MIP(Maximum Intensity Projection), and 3D Surface rendering
Course Outline: Collection Attenuation Information (Localizers, Conventional Scanning, Helical Scans), Image Reconstruction (Filtered Back Projection, Cone Beam Reconstruction, Digital Cross-sectional Images, The Gray Scale), Post Processing Techniques (Retrospective Reconstruction, Multiplanar Reconstruction, 3D Surface Reconstruction)
Course will be held on Saturdays 9am to 4pm, Duration: 1 week. HRS/AHRA/ARRT 6 CE category A credits.
CT Image Appearance: This course is geared to introduce the parameters that the operators (technologists) have at their disposal at the operator's console to manipulate the image appearance (contrast, density , and detail). We will also examine common anomalies, or artifacts, found on CT images and how to avoid them.
Course Outline: Factors that influence Parameter Selection (Contrast, Resolution, Noise, Dose). Commonly Adjusted Parameters (mAs, KVP, Slice Thickness, Table Increment, Pitch, Reconstruction Interval, Field of View, Image Matrix, Reconstruction Filter),
Common Artifacts and How to Avoid them (Beam Hardening Artifact, Partial Volume Artifact, Motion Artifact, Metal Artifact, Ring Artifact), Final Image Presentation (Windowing the CT image-Window Width, Widow Level-, Applying a Display Filter, magnifying the CT Image)Course will be held on Saturdays 9am to 4pm, Duration: 1 week. HRS/AHRA/ARRT 6 CE category A credits.
CT Safety: This course is geared to introduce very important safety aspects of CT. First, radiation safety aspects that must be followed when running a CT scanner. We will also study the several pharmaceutical compounds that can be injected or ingested into the patient's body. Finally adverse reaction to IV or PO agents will be studied, as well emergency procedures that should be well known and performed if the patient experiences complications during the CT study.
Course Outline: Radiation Concerns (Measuring the Harmful Effects, Minimizing the Patient Dose-mAs, kVp, Anatomical Coverage, Slice Thickness, Table Increment, Pitch-, Occupational Exposure), Contrast Agent Concerns (What is Contrast Media?, IV Contrast Agents-Types, Warnings, Timing of Injections, Common Adverse reactions-, Oral Contrast Agents, Intrathecal Contrast Agents, Intra-articular Contrast Agents), Emergency Procedures (Code Procedures- Cardiac Arrest, Seizure, Stroke, Shock), Vital Signs (Temperature, Pulse, Blood Pressure), Special Pediatric Care (Sedation, Minimizing Dose, Contrast Administration.Course will be held on Saturdays 9am to 4pm, Duration: 1 week. HRS/AHRA/ARRT 6 CE category A credits.
CT Procedures, Cross-sectional Anatomy & Pathology: The goal on this course is to introduce the student to the procedures for imaging various anatomical structures utilizing CT. Emphasis on the Central Nervous System (Brain and Spine) Body, Musculoskeletal and Vascular Imaging protocols. Normal anatomy will be discussed as well. This course will also be a presentation of the most common pathologies to be found during CT scanning. The normal anatomy will be compared to the abnormal findings as well. Special imaging techniques will be discussed to demonstrate the pathology. Students will be expected to present cases in class for discussion.
Course Outline: Introduction Neuro, Brain, Cranial Nerves, Pituitary Gland, Introduction Spine, Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Introduction MSK, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Knee, Foot & Ankle, Introduction Body, Abdomen and Pelvis.Course will be held on Saturdays 9am to 4pm, Duration: 2 weeks. HRS/AHRA/ARRT 12 CE category A credits
CT Clinical Practice: Clinical Supervision is conducted by CT-MRI Education Group Inc. Faculty Instructions, only available at:
1) South Florida Diagnostic Imaging of Kendall 11801 SW 90 Street Suite 102 Miami, Fl. 33186 (Phone: 305/270-6001)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the clinical application of all didactic courses. It is scheduled at the convenience of the student with days hours available for a total of
Total of 3 weeks of Clinical Practice (mandatory 14 days). It will permit the student to develop the necessary skills to produce quality CT images. Focus on equipment manipulation, CT procedures, patient care and CT protocols will be emphasized. All eligible students must demonstrate clinical experience requirements with documentation to establish eligibility for the ARRT Computed Tomography Examination.
Course Duration: 3 weeks (14 Days). HRS/AHRA/ARRT 24 CE category A credits
CT Registry Review: This is an intensive Registry Review and preparation. It follows the format of the ARRT Examination, with emphasis on Review, questions and answers. Mock Registry Examination will be given and graded.
Course Outline: Patient Care, Physics and Instrumentation, and Imaging Procedures.
Course will be held on Saturday 9am to 4pm, Duration: 4 weeks. HRS/AHRA/ARRT 12 CE category A credits
CT Online Chats/Lectures: This is a weekly one hour LIVE ONLINE interaction with Faculty and fellow students to review educational materials. Mondays 8:00pm to 9:00pm.